write the stories you long to tell
I'm Amber Rae, international bestselling author, speaker & writing mentor — devoted to writing my bravest, most honest stories & helping you do the same.

One Woman's Path From Good to Free
Four years ago, while married, I looked into the eyes of a stranger and fell instantly in love. The timing? Awful. The reality? Messy. The outcome? Life-changing.

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meet amber rae

Hey, I'm Amber Rae—an international bestselling author, speaker, and teacher best known for books Choose Wonder Over Worry and The Answers Are Within You. I’m also the creator of The Feelings Journal, a tool that transforms the way you engage with your emotions.
As a speaker and workshop leader, I've worked with brands such as Kate Spade, META, Microsoft, and TED. When I'm not writing or teaching, you’ll find me traveling and adventuring with the two loves of my life: my husband and son.

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Our most honest writing is not only healing for others, but perhaps more importantly, it's often the medicine we need too.

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find your way through your emotions
The Sold-Out Feelings Journal is Back!
A safe space to navigate your emotions & connect with your inner truth.
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"Amber Rae’s personal journey of moving from self limiting beliefs to her true self offers inspiring insights and lessons for anyone wanting to unfold their infinite potential."
Deepak Chopra

"Few are as skillful at leveraging the power of journaling to engage with emotions as Amber Rae."
Ryder Carroll

"Amber Rae reconnects you to a clear perspective so you can reclaim your power and allow the best version of yourself to come forward."
Yung Pueblo

"A beautiful offering for anyone looking to unearth their inner magic & gain emotional clarity."
Alex Elle

“Amber offers the boldest invitation of all: to be your truest self and pursue the calling that is yours and yours alone."
Steven Pressfield

"Some rare people have a winning touch that gives you a feeling they're going to make a big difference. I've been around long enough to watch it come true every time. Amber is one of the rare ones, and everyone who's met her has felt it.”
Derek Sivers

"Amber Rae is calming and electrifying. She’s an approachable beacon of light, living her truth, and she desperately wants the same for you, too."
Valerie Biberaj